At Fearless Youth Conference we want the students to know who they are in Christ; what Jesus has done for them and what He wants to do through them. Salvation is not just fire insurance. It is a dynamic, daily walk with the Creator of the Universe! He has empowered us with His Son to walk boldly without fear. Every message is based on solid Biblical teaching.
At Fearless Youth Conference worship is another important aspect of each conference. During worship we want to usher this generation into the presence of God!
At Fearless Youth Conference our goal is to partner with the local churches and lend a hand to outreaches in the conference city.
When Jesus said, “go into all the world and make disciples”, He wasn’t just talking about overseas. He meant, “all” the world.
We are His hands and feet not just in other countries, but here in the US as well. We want to show students that there are people in need right next door to them.
If you’re in the Rio Grande City Area or even the RGV, come join us at the Fearless Youth Conference hosted by CDMP the Chosen Youth!
Coming soon!